Scott Horvath's Weblog

3-min read

Opening up Victoria’s open data platform

The State Government of Victoria’s “open data platform” DataVic is promoted as “the place to discover and access Victorian Government open data.”

However, every time I’ve attempted to use it, I’ve struggled to discover any interesting data that is more than a twenty-row Excel table.

The problem

The DataVic platform:

The idea

Having recently watched a demonstration on how to query Google Gemini Pro’s large context window, I realised that with some web scraping and data preparation, I could create a large text file profiling all available datasets on DataVic. Feeding this text file into Gemini’s context window might allow me to quickly perform discovery analyses of the DataVic library.

The approach

I wrote a script that downloaded every available CSV from the DataVic platform and created a “master_data_profile.txt” that contains the profile of every CSV dataset. The profiling for each CSV included:

For example:

A sample json file profiling data available on DataVic

I had some issues with programmatically opening .xls/x (Excel) files (they were usually small tables anyway), so I decided to limit the analysis to simple CSVs. Some of the CSV APIs referenced by DataVic were also broken.

In total, there were around 670 CSV files. However, only 300 had more than 500 rows (I decided less than 500 rows is more a table rather than data).

Broken links on VicGov.

Noting that as of July 2024 the platform boasts around 5,700 datasets, that’s far from the 300 that (in my opinion) are true datasets!

VicGov's claimed number of open datasets.

The fun

The best way to demonstrate the capabilities of Google Gemini is to DIY on the Google AI Studio platform, using the demonstration video linked above as a general guide and importing the master_data_profile.txt into the context window. Here are some example Google AI Studio chat transcripts between me (User) and Gemini (Model).

Example: As an aspiring data scientist…

Example: As a Victorian Labor MP…

The serious

At some point, many of us within the data community have been on the receiving end of a large email distribution list where someone is at their wit’s end, trying to track down an obscure dataset and broadcasting their struggle to over 500 staff. Or, like in my experience, used an inferior dataset not knowing a more granular and accurate equivalent was available.

An internal data discovery tool having capabilities like those demonstrated above could drive business efficiency by making it easier to identify and acquire accurate and relevant data. It could also promote awareness of organisational data and encourage innovation with data that is otherwise under-utilised.

While this was a quick and dirty bedroom experiment on a relatively small library of data (using around 25% of the 2M token capacity), Google Gemini’s token size is constantly increasing, making it more viable to explore similar applications of this technology in organisations with larger data libraries.


My GitHub repository containing master dataset profile and scripts used to scrape data:

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